There are steps mentioned for how to find and save passwords on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. An easy way to find saved passwords is using Siri. Unlock your iPhone and open Siri and ask for Hey Siri to show you my passwords. In short, you can ask Siri by calling the name of the product. For example Hey Siri, what is my iPhone password?

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How to find passwords on the iPhone

Unlock the iPhone and go to the setting and passwords. In IOS 13 pro and older, select “passwords and accounts”. Next, “website and app passwords”. Now, phones ask for your iPhone to unlock your password. Use face recognition, touch ID, or enter your mobile password. Now select the website for which you want to see credentials. Click on the website and view the passwords. Therefore, you can edit, delete, and change the passwords.

How to see saved passwords on the iPhone

Unlock the iPhone and go to the setting and passwords. Next, click on the website to open the saved passwords before you need to unlock the iPhone again. You can set auto-fill passwords on the iPhone safari browser.

How to change saved passwords on the iPhone

Double-touch the screen on your mobile and unlock the mobile with face recognition. Now go to the mobile setting and look for the passwords and accounts. Now click on the website that needs to change passwords on the iPhone. Again, unlock the password when viewing the password. Now edit, change, and save the password on the iPhone and update it. To read more, scan QR code on the iPhone.

Frequently Asked Question

Q: Where is passwords and accounts on the iPhone?
Ans: First, unlock your mobile-phone and look for setting tap. Click on the setting tap and scroll down to view passwords and accounts. You can use Siri or search bar to find passwords and accounts.
Q: How to access passwords on the iPhone?
Ans: Easily, go to the mobile setting tap and search for passwords and accounts. Now click on the web and use face recognition to access the passwords.