Here is a list of all the Excel formulas shown in the Top 5 Excel Formulas. Use these to enhance your data and evaluate whether those conditions are true or false. If the condition is true, the statement returns True; if it\’s false, it returns False. Learn how to use shortcut in Excel easily.

The formula =IF(condition, statement_if_true, statement_if_false)

For example, =IF(B2>3,”bigger” lysis and solve real-world problems

How to Use IF() Function in Excel

If statements are probably the most frequently used part of any code, not just in Excel. The If() function in Excel allows you to set conditions and execute certain codes depending on whether those conditions are True or False.

The syntax is =IF(condition, true_result, false_result).

For example, =IF(B2>3,”bigger”, “equal”). converts the contents in cell B2 to “bigger

Steps to Use AND() Formulas in Excel

The AND() function performs a logical conjunction (also known as a Boolean AND) on multiple arguments. This returns True if all the conditions within the arguments are True. The syntax is =AND(arguments).

For example, =AND(A2>1,B2>3). This converts the contents o

How to use OR() in Excel

The OR() function performs a logical disjunction (also known as a Boolean OR) on multiple arguments. This returns True if any of the conditions within the arguments are True. The syntax is =OR(arguments).

For example, =OR(A2>1,B2>3). This converts

Steps to use formula COUNTIF() in Excel

The COUNTIF() function counts the number of times a given condition exists in a range. The syntax is =COUNTIF(range, condition).

For example, =COUNTIF(A2:A10,”>3”). It counts number in the cells specifie

How to use formula SUMIF() in Excel

The SUMIF() function adds the values in a range that meet a given condition. The syntax is =SUMIF(range, condition, sum_value).

For example, =SUMIF(A2:A10,”>3”, “discounted”).
This adds the value of “discounted” only if it is present in cells from the specified range and it has a value greater than 3.

Frequently Asked Question

Q: How to use COUNTIFS() Formulas in Excel?
Ans: The COUNTIFS() function counts the number of times a given set of conditions exists in a range. The syntax is =COUNT. If all the above formulas seem to be difficult, try out the COUNTIFS() function. It is much more efficient in evaluating multiple conditions compared to using multiple COUNTIF() functions. For example, =COUNTIFS(A2:A10,”alpha”, “bravo”.
Q: Steps to Quick use of formula in Excel?
Ans: Follow the given formula in the article includes SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, COUNTA, IF · 6. TRIM, MAX & MIN, and Basic guide to use excel formula.